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Debunking the Top 7 Myths Around Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Have you heard some 'facts' about cosmetic dental services that you consider doubtful? Our Winnipeg dentists set the record straight about some common misconceptions.

Common Myths About Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Despite the value of cosmetic dental procedures, some common myths abound. Today, we want to clear some of them up.

1. Cosmetic dental procedures are purely cosmetic.

While we may use the term 'cosmetic' to describe these procedures, in many ways they can absolutely contribute to helping improve or restore your oral health.

For example, while dental bonding can be used to improve the appearance of chipped or discoloured teeth, it can also be used to protect exposed tooth roots due to receding gums. Covering those roots is an integral step in restoring gum tissue – and helping you feel relief from gum sensitivity that often accompanies gum disease.

Dental implant surgery can help restore the appearance of your smile by filling the gaps left by missing teeth, but it also serve a very real functional purpose: implants help prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting out of position into the gap, which in turn helps prevent other oral health problems.

2. Cosmetic dental services are expensive.

Thanks to advances in dental technology and science in recent years, cosmetic dental services have become somewhat less costly than they once were. Cosmetic dental services that are deemed necessary by your insurance company – such as crowns or dental implants – may even be covered.

At Downtown Dental Group, we also offer flexible payment options to help you conveniently pay for your procedures.

3. Teeth whitening damages teeth.

When done correctly and under the supervision of your dentist, teeth whitening is considered safe, and the risk of damage to your teeth is quite low. Your dentist will evaluate your dental health before teeth whitening treatment to determine whether it can be done safely and effectively on your teeth.

4. Cosmetic dental procedures take a long time.

With today’s cosmetic dental technology, we can offer services to fit your schedule and budget. Many cosmetic dental procedures take just an hour or two and one appointment to improve the appearance of your teeth.

5. Cosmetic dental procedures are unnecessary.

Many cosmetic dental procedures, from veneers to bonding, can be used to fix long-standing dental issues. But what is 'necessary' for you depends not only on your dental health. If a cosmetic dental procedure might help increase your self confidence and thereby your quality of life, it may indeed be necessary.

6. Cosmetic dental procedures are painful.

Our dentists strive to make every appointment as comfortable as possible. Many cosmetic procedures are minimally invasive and involve very little pain for the patient. Though your mouth may feel sensitive for a short time following some procedures, this should fade quickly.

7. Your results won’t appear natural-looking.

At Downtown Dental Group, we use modern technology and processes to help us achieve the most natural-looking results we can for your smile. Whether you are looking into teeth whitening, veneers or another cosmetic dental procedure, ask us how we can help you reach your smile goals.

Are you considering cosmetic dental services but have questions or concerns you'd like to address? Contact our Winnipeg dentists to book an appointment today. 

We can help you keep your teeth healthy! Contact us today to learn more.